Teaching Essentials: 10 Things You Need For The New School Year In Paris 

The new school year is a time of excitement, as teachers and students alike head back to the classroom after a long, enjoyable summer. 

It’s the perfect time to set both short and long-term goals, and to head into the new school year organised, eager and full of optimism – teaching essentials kit included. 

Any teacher worth their weight in gold knows the importance of putting together a practical, well-ordered and useful kit of teaching essentials that will see them through each and every day. 

We asked Paris Teachers Club founder Kathryn for her top 10 teaching essentials heading into the new school year…

1. A good set of whiteboard pens and a mini whiteboard 

First up, a mini whiteboard and a good-quality set of whiteboard pens is a godsend when teaching, especially when you’re teaching on the go. Portable and light, a mini whiteboard isn’t cumbersome to carry with you as you dart across Paris from job to job, and it will absolutely prove to be an essential each and every day. 

2. Stickers 

If goes without saying that kids love stickers, and they are a priceless tool in your teaching essentials kit. Coloured stickers help colour code and organise relevant lessons for yourself, but you can also invest in some fun stickers that reward children for their hard work. Stars, smiley faces and similar encouraging designs are all a must-have. 

3. Comfortable shoes 

If you don’t own a good-quality pair of comfortable walking shoes when teaching in the city, you’ll soon realise how essential these are. A comfortable pair of trainers that are designed with walking in mind with keep your feet comfortable and healthy throughout the school year ahead, and many experts believe overall health starts with the feet. Many workers these days who are required to wear more professional shoes in the office or at school wear their comfortable shoes on the commute to and from home, and keep their “work shoes” in their bag to change into at each end. When you’re getting around Paris on foot as a teacher, your feet will thank you. 

4. An umbrella 

Parisian weather is unpredictable, and a portable umbrella that folds up to fit in your bag is a teaching essential. While you may head out in the morning to a bright and sunny day, you could find the skies soon open up with little to no warning. A compact umbrella will keep you dry and avoid any rainy day disasters.

5. A practical teaching bag

Any teacher will sing the praises of investing in a high-quality, practical bag that doesn’t leave you rummaging around for everything. A good-sized handbag or backpack with internal compartments is a must, as organisation is key to getting the most of your day as a teacher. If your bag doesn’t have compartments, you can now buy handy (and budget-friendly) handbag organiser inserts online. Choose a bag that is weather-resistant, comfortable to carry, durable and will last the test of time. 

6. Hydrating skincare

The start of the school year in Paris signifies the end of summer and the onset of the coldest months, and winter in Paris can wreck havoc on your skin and body as you flit between heated classrooms and the chilly city streets. A good quality hand cream and lip balm with keep your hands and lips hydrated and nourished at the time they need it most, while avoiding the winter hazards of dry and cracked skin. Products with natural ingredients aimed at hydrating the skin without artificial additives or fragrances work best. Look for anything made with shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, beeswax, jojoba oil or cocoa butter. 

7. A portable battery

We all know that there is nothing worse than a dead phone or gadget on the go. Fully-charged devices are teaching essentials, from the minute you leave your home in the morning to the moment you walk in the door at night. Whether it’s communicating with schools, parents or students, responding to emails or marking work, a portable battery that is compact and doesn’t take up much space in your kit will save you in a sticky situation.

8. Earphones

Part of everyday life in Paris is commuting to work, and when you’re a children’s teacher, you’ll find that travelling between lessons takes up a significant portion of your day. A pair of good earphones are a teacher’s best friend, whether you’re listening to music on the Metro, podcasts while walking or even taking 10 minutes to yourself to unwind to a guided meditation – you’ll be grateful for them! 

9. A French friend

Believe it or not, it is so easy to live in Paris and not practise French – especially when you’re an English teacher. Working as an English teacher in Paris doesn’t require fluency in French, and often expats in the city will find they spend most of their time speaking English, whether it’s to their new fellow-expat friends, colleagues or students. However, there is no better time to build your French language skills than now! Seek out opportunities to speak French or to befriend native French speakers and to socialise in French. Even if it’s ordering your morning coffee and pastry in French, chatting with a neighbour or getting to know a colleague, you’ll be astounded by how quickly you become a master of the French language. 

10. A health and fitness plan

Staying healthy as a teacher is important, not just because none of us enjoy being sick, but because your livelihood and the health and education of your students depend on it. Ensure that you prioritise your physical and mental health each and every day. We recommend finding a varied organic grocery store in the city to stock up on the freshest and healthiest produce, sticking to a regimented exercise plan (joining a gym or a walking group is a great way to meet new people), taking time each day to relax, setting both personal and professional goals (both short and long term) and minimising stress where you can. Setting work / life boundaries is also very important, so that you can enjoy your personal life outside of the classroom. Lastly, a strong local support system is a must, especially when you’re new to the city and still finding your feet. 

What is in your teaching essentials kit? 

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