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Our community

Paris Teachers Club was created as a space in which to share stories, exchange tips and advice, showcase opportunities and generally offer support to people teaching English to children in Paris. Our founding team is made up of current and past teachers from Le Bus Anglais, all having lived through the unique life experience of teaching English in Paris. “Our community” is happy that you have found us.

Kathryn Baxter is an English Teacher based in Paris since 2005. She is the founder director of the English School for children Le Bus Anglais and the online school Anglais en Ligne. Through her activities, she has employed, coached and supported hundreds of English teachers in Paris and in doing so, enabled solid progress for thousands of French children. As a founding member of the Paris Teacher Club, she wants to offer support and opportunity that she knows teachers will appreciate and that she would have loved to have benefited from when she was starting out as an English teacher in Paris. Kathryn is also the proud mum of her 2 children, Adam and Chloé.

Jeremy Walker worked as an English teacher in Paris from 2016-2020. This newfound passion of his for teaching has continued even after leaving Paris, and he looks forward to helping some of his fellow teachers the way he enjoyed helping so many students over the years. He hopes that Paris Teachers Club blossoms into a place where teachers can share their passion for teaching, as well as help promote a community which allows people to understand what being an English teacher in Paris is all about. Maybe even encourage more people to join our ranks.

Neethi Kaul has been teaching English to children in Paris since 2014. Having gained a masters degree in marketing, teaching wasn’t part of the plan until she came to Paris. It didn’t take long for Neethi to fall in love with teaching and to realise her true vocation. Today, Neethi is the cherished English teacher of a parisian primary school. Aside from teaching, she loves to support fellow English teachers in Paris and is the Teacher Community Manager at Le Bus Anglais. Neethi is excited to be a founding member of the Paris Teachers Club and is convinced that this platform will be greatly appreciated by experienced, novice and prospective teachers alike.

Whitney Donaldson Whitney Donaldson was an English teacher for children in Paris from 2015 to 2019. She has since moved back to the US and is continuing her career in marketing and brand strategy. Before moving to Paris, her teaching experience was very limited but it was something she had always wanted to explore, so she decided to take the leap. Becoming a teacher opened up new opportunities she never expected. Skills she had already developed in her advertising career were surprisingly effective in the role of a teacher and, vice-versa, the new skills she gained during her 5 years of teaching are enriching her success in the next stage of her career. Contributing to the Paris Teachers Club is a natural step for Whitney who has the benefit of hindsight from her Paris experience and hopes to help others with the knowledge she gained.

Felicity is an Australian writer. Learning French through school, studying its history and going on overseas French trips gave her an early love of all things France. She studied Journalism at university before travelling the world, teaching English in South-East Asia and working in the UK. Now back home in Melbourne, Felicity’s fond memories of her trips to Paris, her love for the city and France on the whole and her belief that education is the strongest foundation for success in life makes her a valuable addition to the Paris Teachers Club social media and blog team.