9 ways to stay cool in Paris this summer

Stuck without air conditioning in Paris this summer? You aren’t alone! Don’t sweat (literally). We have compiled the ultimate list of 9 ways to stay cool in Paris this summer.

It isn’t uncommon for homes and buildings in Paris to not be equipped with air conditioning. After all, many of our buildings are very old, and many Parisians feel that it isn’t worth installing cooling for a few very hot days per year. However, we understand that when your apartment is a furnace, you may be desperate for some relief.

Thankfully, there are many budget-friendly ways to stay cool in Paris this summer, both inside and outside your home. From keeping your home cool naturally to touring the best gelateria’s in Paris, hitting the city’s popup beaches to taking advantage of cultural hotspots with their own cooling, enjoy our insider’s guide below.

1. Hack your fan for maximum chill

Feel like your fan is just blowing hot air around? Did you know that you can hack your everyday fan to make it even cooler? Simply position a big bowl or bucket of ice in front of your fan and as the air passes over the ice, it will create a cooler air flow. Get comfortable in front of it and enjoy that icy relief! 

2. Soak up the sun at Paris Plages 

If you can’t flee the city for the coast this year, Paris Plages is back for another year from July 9th to August 21st 2023. These popup beaches can be found dotted along the Seine, and are a great place to while away a day lounging in the sun. Find out where these sandy city beaches can be found here

3. Close up your home before the heat hits

Before the day really begins to heat up, close up all curtains and windows to block out as much heat as possible. When the day begins to cool down in the evening, open everything up to let that cooler air flow in. Blackout curtains are a great investment for summer as they block out more sun, and make it easier to sleep when the mornings and evenings are lighter.

4. Wear natural fabrics  

Wearing natural, soft and breathable fabrics in summer makes a huge difference to how warm you feel. Opt for linen and cotton first and foremost, and avoid unnatural fabrics that only make you feel hotter. Thankfully, Parisian fashionistas love soft linens, so check out our blog listing 15 French capsule wardrobe essentials.  

5. Stay cool – with a side of culture

If your home is too warm and uncomfortable, there are lots of places across Paris to escape the heat without spending a fortune. The cinema is a great place to escape the heat of the day, and most of Paris’ public libraries, museums and galleries are air conditioned and provide a cool spot to relax – and take in some culture too. Of course, you can always linger a little too long in the frozen aisle of your local supermarket.

6. Eat all the ice-cream 

What you eat during the summer can play a role in how hot you feel. Eating light nutrition-packed salads and fresh fruit is going to naturally cool you down more than eating a heavy, spicy meal. Summer is also the best excuse to indulge in some of the best ice cream in Paris! La Glacerie and Berthillon are legendary Paris ice cream parlours, and we also recommend Glaces Glazed, Grom (for proper Italian gelati), Une Glace à Paris and Amorino! 

7. Sip cocktails at a Paris rooftop bar 

Few cities offer up the views that Paris does, and as the thermostat rises, the days are longer and you’re free as a bird on summer vacation, now is the season to check out some of the best rooftop bars in Paris! From Marais to Montmartre, the city is full to the brim of exciting and unique rooftop bars, many with views of some of the city’s most famous landmarks. We’ve done the legwork for you and put together a list of the the 10 best rooftop bars in Paris.  

8. Get frosty in the only ice bar in Paris 

Ice bars are a quirky idea that have spread across the globe, and when the sun is scorching the city, there’s no better place to be than a bar entirely crafted from ice! Paris only has one ice bar, Ice Kube Bar, which serves drinks to patrons who are granted access to the bar for 25 minute slots. It’s a great place to heat to bring your body temperature right down for 30 minutes, where you have to wear winter coats as the temperatures within are -18! You’ll leave feeling fresh and cool as a cucumber. The bar is located within the Kube Hotel in La Chapelle.

9. Picnic in a Paris park

Finally, summer in Paris is a beautiful time of year, and there’s no better way to spend a warm summer day than lazing in one of the many stunning public parks and gardens in Paris. Take a picnic loaded up with baguette, cheese and champagne for a truly Parisian outing. Check out our list of the 10 best Paris parks and gardens for insider inspo on where to go! 

How do you stay cool in Paris during the summer?

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