9 French Beauty Tips To Level Up Your Daily Routine 

The French know beauty, maybe better than any other nationality on the planet. Globally recognised for their effortless elegance and ability to look stylish and chic even on the worst of days, French women have led the way in the world of beauty.

Whether it’s their diligent skincare regime, stripped-back makeup, focus on enhancing features and not hiding them or never leaving the house without a signature scent, French women have nailed the art of beauty.  

This week on the Paris Teachers Club blog, we look at 9 simple ways that you can incorporate French beauty tips into your daily routine and leave your admirers saying “ooh la la!” 

1) Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise  

French people take their skin hydration seriously. In fact, their skincare is most of their daily beauty routine, while makeup is of less importance. Keeping their skin hydrated doesn’t just involve drinking ample water for French women, but includes investing in high-performance moisturisers as well. A trusted, high-quality moisturiser is a key French beauty staple, which is used morning and night after a thorough cleanse. An ultra-hydrating serum is a nighttime must-have, which ensures your skin remains nourished and supple during sleep. 

2) Sunscreen is a non-negotiable 

Another feature of any French woman’s daily skincare routine is sunscreen. Sunscreen for the French isn’t just reserved for summer days on the beach. It is a daily beauty staple. Sunscreen is incorporated into the daily skincare regime, after moisturiser, to ensure that skin is protected from harmful rays and that long-term sun damage is combatted. If you can invest in makeup that also includes SPF protection – even better! 

3) Less is always more 

French beauty is all about enhancing what you have, and not hiding it away. That beauty ethos goes for skincare, fashion and makeup. In regards to putting on their face each day, French women go easy on the makeup and add-ons like false eyelashes, and instead opt for a natural palette, highlighting only one feature at a time. Be it a smoky eye paired with a glowing complexion, or a signature red lip with pared-back eyes, “less is more” is the motto of the French. 

4) Always remove your makeup before bed 

No French woman worth her weight in gold goes to bed without removing her makeup. Removing your makeup at the end of the day and treating yourself to a deep cleanse and moisturise before bed allows your skin to breathe and repair itself overnight, and fights against dirt and bacteria that may have built up over the course of the day. 

5) Let your perfume speak for you 

Of paramount importance in the world of French beauty is the art of selecting a signature fragrance and making it your own. French women take their perfume seriously, and often have a collection that they match to their mood, the event they’re attending or the impression they want to make. Whether your scent style is floral, musky, earthy or fresh, Coco Chanel was right when she said that “no elegance is possible without perfume. It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory”.

6) Natural nails are underrated  

A serious French beauty regime doesn’t ignore the extremities. Not only do the French take good care of their hands and nails, with regular manis and pedis and hydrating hand cream as a handbag essential, but when choosing their nail polish, they opt for natural and elegant over loud and flashy. In fact, many French women forego nail polish entirely, and instead focus on having neat, short nails and smooth, taken care of hands. 

7) Cold showers are a best kept secret

A scary thought, particularly on a chilly winter morning, is the cold shower. However, French women swear by cold showers as a central tenet of their beauty routine. The trend of cold plunges has taken the world by storm, but the French were onto it first. Whether you’re game to have an entirely cold shower, or simply turn the hot water to cold at the tail end for a refreshing wrap-up, cold showers have endless health benefits. They stimulate circulation, which is a godsend for the skin, and the French have long lauded the invigorating and rejuvenating benefits of cold showers on not only physical health, but mental health as well. 

8) Don’t scrimp on sleep  

French people are some of the soundest sleepers in the world, and get more z’s than many nationalities across the world. The French clock in on the world scale at over eight hours of sleep per night. Not only is this in line with what medical professionals recommend for adults, but the French understand the value of quality sleep for their physical and mental health, as well as their appearance. Good sleep allows the body to repair itself both inside and outside, something that is a non-negotiable in the world of French beauty.

9) Tousled is chic

French women are famous for pulling off the perfect tousled updo, our go-to hassle-free hairdo that still oozes chic. For the French, a messy bun doesn’t look like you got dragged backwards through a hedge. A tousled ‘do has to look like it was thrown together with ease, and can be easily achieved. There are many handy YouTube tutorials that demonstrate how to nail a French messy bun, or even a more refined and smooth French bun, French twist or chignon.

What is a French beauty tip that you swear by?

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