10 Things Emily in Paris Nails About Living In Paris 

Ever wondered if Emily In Paris really shows what living in Paris is like? Our club of Paris expats have the lowdown on what the show gets right about living in the City of Lights…

With the third season of the global smash hit series Emily In Paris dropping on Netflix recently, everyone’s gone wild for all things Paris. Sure, the show, which follows American Emily finding her feet in the French capital, can be sugary, kitschy and not entirely realistic (to say the least), parts of the series really do a great job at demonstrating what moving to and living in Paris can be like for newcomers.

The Paris Teachers Club is made up of Paris expats from all over the world, so we know all about the culture shock that can come from moving to the city, but the endless delights that await you as well.

Keep reading to discover the 10 key things that Emily in Paris nails about living in Paris.

****Warning! Spoilers ahead! 

1. Romance isn’t dead in Paris

The minute Emily arrives in Paris on Episode 1, she realises that in France, romance is still alive and well. Flirting, courting and love is a common thread throughout the series for almost all of the main characters. Emily has endless suitors, with the French ones being particularly charming, and even bristly Sylvie believes in love – underneath her frosty exterior. There’s a reason that it’s called “The City of Love” after all!

Some top Emily in Paris quotes about love…

“Desire does not mean lack of respect. In fact, quite the opposite. It is a sign of respect.” – Antoine

“The French are romantics, but they’re also realists.” – Mindy

“Of course. It’s beautiful. Their love is eternal.” – Luc

2. Parisians can be rude 

It’s a cliché, but one that is entirely true. The French – particularly Parisians – can come across as aloof, blunt or even downright rude. It can take a long time to earn the trust or respect of locals, and it is something you have to work at when living in Paris. Nothing worth having comes easy, as they say. However, often the cold exterior of a Parisian can be hiding a very warm heart. After all, the often-terrifying Sylvie started out downright despising Emily’s extroverted American personality, but she grew to warm to her and became an important mentor. However, of course, many Parisians are openly welcoming from the outset, like Gabriel and Camille. Everyone is different, but trying to learn the “Paris way” will get you far! 

Some memorable Emily in Paris quotes about Parisians…

“Yeah, happy endings are very American.” – Julien

“I like Paris, but I’m not really sure Paris likes me.” – Emily 

3. Parisian style is iconic

You may watch Emily In Paris and think “there’s no way everyone is so stylish in Paris”, but it’s one of the things that the series encapsulates so well about Parisians. They are effortlessly stylish and well put together – and they make it look oh so easy. With a few high-quality wardrobe staples, the French achieve a breezy yet chic look. Each character in the series shows their own personality through their carefully curated wardrobes. Emily is perky and quirky, Sylvie is eternally stylish, Julien is bold and fashionable, Mindy is eccentric and eclectic and Gabriel and Camille blend comfort and style effortlessly. 

Check out our blog listing the ultimate French capsule wardrobe essentials you need so you too can nail Parisian elegance with ease.

Our favourite Emily in Paris quotes about style…

“Fashion is a dirty business.” – Luc

“True elegance is found in simplicity.” – Louis de Léon

“Without basic b***hes like me, you wouldn’t be fashionable.” – Emily 

4. The buildings are old 

Emily in Paris does a great job of demonstrating that not everyone in Paris lives in modern, luxurious surrounds. The buildings in the city are centuries old, and Emily’s apartment, while central, is a very compact “chambres de bonne”. That is, old servant’s quarters. Emily’s shower breaks early on and in typical French fashion, takes weeks to fix to the point she is forced to wash her hair in her bidet. When Mindy moves in, the girls suffer through a hot summer because very few buildings have air conditioning in Paris, something that is regularly brought up throughout the show by Americans in the office.

Some Emily in Paris quotes about the lack of mod cons in many buildings…

“It’s so unnatural. Artificial. American.” – Julien (on air conditioning). 

“The plumbing is 500 years old. Literally.” – Gabriel 

“No, she broke it. Ever since she come here, there have been issues.” – Emily’s landlord

5. Food is life (and wine is a staple)

It’s impossible to ignore how many of Emily In Paris’ scenes revolve around food. Agency meetings, romantic dates, morning trips to the local boulangerie, Gabriel’s restaurant and his love for food, friendly catch-ups – even Pierre Caudeut smashing crémé brûlées as a form of therapy. Living in Paris involves a love of food, of dining out and of enjoying the best things in life at a slow pace. Long lunches, good food and yes – wine – are central to life here. Sylvie’s reaction to McDonald’s launching a “McBaguette” in France says a lot about how the French feel about fast food. While some countries have strict laws against where and when you can drink alcohol, Paris has a very laissez-faire attitude towards enjoying cocktails and wine – even at breakfast! 

Emily in Paris quotes that demonstrate how much locals love food and wine…

“I mean, the only ‘someone else’ is his restaurant. His pots and pans mean the world to him. Actually, more than people.” – Camille.

“You’re in Paris now. I’m sure we can find you something better than peanut butter.” – Gabriel

“It’s Paris. Everyone’s serious about dinner.” – Mindy

6. Everyone still seems to smoke

Emily in Paris doesn’t shy away from what is something that is seen on every street corner in Paris – smoking. Many Parisians still smoke, and many of the main characters do too (don’t worry – they are fake herbal cigarettes that the actors smoke!). Sylvie encourages smoking in lieu of food, and even gifts non-smoker Emily a cigarette holder for her birthday. It’s something that the foreigners to the city – Emily and Alfie in particular – have to become accustomed to.

Emily in Paris quotes about smoking…

“Smoking is a pleasure, and without pleasure, who are we?” – Paul 

“Do you want to have lunch” – Emily / “No I’ll have a cigarette” – Sylvie 

7. The French know their working rights

One thing we love about Emily In Paris is it exemplifies something that many foreigners don’t realise until they are living in Paris. The French know their working rights to a tee, and are known for striking if boundaries are even the slightest bit overstepped. They don’t shirk lunch to eat at their desks, they aren’t chained to the office and they absolutely do not work on weekends. “It’s illegal”, as Julien explains to Emily when she calls him about work on a weekend. When Madeline comes to town, many at Savoir are offended by her arriving to the office early, eating at her desk and in meetings or expecting them to alter their lifestyles. 

Some true Emily in Paris quotes about working…

“You live to work, we work to live.” – Luc 

“I’ll see you on Monday. Don’t be early.” – Sylvie 

“Has anyone noticed this is a very dysfunctional workplace?” – Emily

8. You’ll meet people from all over the world in Paris

It’s scary moving to a new city, and Paris can seem particularly daunting. However, Emily meets many people along the way that become her best friends, and help her to adjust to living in Paris. She meets Mindy, a Chinese singer living in the city, who quickly becomes her best friend. The team of Parisians at Savoir take a while to win over, but before long are central to her circle. Then there’s Gabriel, her downstairs neighbour who hails from Normandy and his girlfriend Camille (it’s complicated) whose family lives in Champagne. Then of course there Alfie the London banker that Emily meets in her French language class and a whole other cast of characters. 

The best Emily in Paris quotes about meeting friends in Paris…

“You’re nice and French, and you speak English?” – Emily

“You’re not alone. You have a friend here now. Paris is the most exciting city in the world. And you never know what’s gonna happen next.” – Mindy 

“I had a crazy weekend with my friends, and it’s exactly what I needed.” – Emily 

9. French getaways are a must 

Emily In Paris doesn’t just showcase the beauty of Paris, but the beauty of other destinations across France as well. Visits to Camille’s family chateau in Champagne, an impromptu girls weekend away in Saint-Tropez and the group’s getaway to the lavender fields of Provence – the series has shot in some of our most magnificent destinations and put them squarely on the world map in the process! 

Fantastic Emily in Paris quotes about France…

“You go to Saint-Tropez to party, not to work. It’s like going to Ibiza to do your taxes.” – Luc 

“You’re not coming with me? On a romantic bike ride to a picturesque country market?” – Emily   

“Do You Know the Way to St. Tropez?” – Emily 

10. Paris is the greatest city on Earth

There’s no place like Paris, and the series really showcases the many unique, unforgettable and beautiful things you will experience while living in Paris! We can’t wait to welcome you!

The ultimate Emily in Paris quotes about Paris…

“Paris seems like a big city but it’s really just a small town.” – Camille

“Oh, Emily, you’re getting more French by the day.” – Sylvie

“I feel like I’m dreaming and I’m about to wake up.” – Emily 

What do you love about Emily in Paris?

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