Rendez-vous with Ezrah: Chatting With A Paris Teacher & Tour Guide

We write a lot about how to become an English teacher in Paris on our blog, but have you ever wanted to hear from an English teacher about their own journey?

This week, we spoke to one of our team members, Ezrah, who has successfully carved out a life for himself in Paris as a teacher and a tour guide! Ezrah, originally from the United States, has a passion for education, and so his new life – and dual career – in Paris is ideal for him.

We sat down with Ezrah to chat to him about his journey from rural Colorado to Paris, what he finds so fulfilling about teaching children in Paris, and how he has managed to launch a successful side hustle at the same time – all in the City of Lights!

Q: Hey Ezrah! Could you tell us a little bit about yourself, where you’re from and what you enjoy doing? 

A: I was born and raised on a cattle ranch in Colorado, U.S. I enjoy history, and story telling and finding pretty gardens in Paris! 

Q: When did you start teaching English and what drew you to the field? 

A: I started teaching English thanks to my friend Jaelah who works with Le Bus Anglais. I had expressed that I missed my young cousins in the U.S, and just being around kiddos. She suggested working at Le Bus, and it’s been really fun being around kids again.

Q: Do you teach in schools or privately? 

A: I teach in schools.

Q: You are also a tour guide in Paris! How did that idea start, and where do you offer tours in the city?

A: The idea came about after traveling to Paris back and forth for a couple of years. I started acting as an informal guide to other friends who came to Paris and found I really enjoy showing people my favorite parts of the city. I guide small tours around the city center, Latin Quarter and Montmartre! 

Q: Do you find that teaching English and leading tours require the same skillset? 

A: Absolutely. I really find myself teaching more often when I guide tours. I end up teaching people about the stories that are embedded in these history-rich locations. It also requires lots of patience, and empathy. All of these qualities are necessary in both guides and teachers. I suppose teachers are guides, in a way.

Q: What is the name of your tour company, how can visitors to Paris book tours with you and where can we follow you on social media / your website? 

A: My tour company is called promeneparis (cheesy, but I love it!). You can find me on TikTok (yes I’m a Gen Z like that) at @promeneparis, on Instagram as @ezrah.ducharme and my company website

Q: What is one piece of advice you would give to someone looking to start a new life teaching English abroad? 

A: My bit of advice would be to make it fun! Have fun working on your visa, make it a game. When you get your visa and you’re teaching the kids, make it light hearted and fun. Keeping that sense of humour makes the visa process tolerable and makes teaching something special for the kids.

Next time you’re in town, book a Paris tour with Ezrah!

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