Rendez-vous with Ezrah: Chatting With A Paris Teacher & Tour Guide

We write a lot about how to become an English teacher in Paris on our blog, but have you ever wanted to hear from an English teacher about their own journey? This week, we spoke to one of our team members, Ezrah, who has successfully carved out a life for himself in Paris as a teacher and a tour guide! Ezrah, originally from the United States, has a passion for…

The 5 Best Paris Flea Markets To Find A Vintage Bargain 

Looking for the best Paris flea markets to pick up a bargain? The Paris Teachers Club has you covered!  Paris has it all. Landmarks, art, culture, food, world class shopping. But our shopping spree destinations don’t just end at our world renowned department stores. Paris is also one of the best locations on the planet if you’re a lover of flea markets. In fact, the term “flea…

8 French Alcoholic Drinks To Try This Year 

Whether you’re enjoying a late-night aperitif or shouting a round of cocktails on a wild Saturday night out, one thing is for sure – French alcoholic drinks are a guaranteed crowd pleaser.  France has a long and storied history in the production of alcohol, and as a result, the world is blessed with a large variety of liqueurs which can be enjoyed in any number of ways…